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about us

The Society was organized to encourage the study and cultivation of rock garden plants. Through articles, lectures, slide presentations, meetings, and garden visits, the Northwestern Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society provides extensive opportunities for both beginners and experts to expand their knowledge of plants, propagation techniques, and design, construction and maintenance of gardens.


The purpose of the society is to encourage and promote:


  • The cultivation, conservation and knowledge of rock garden plants, their value, habits and geographical distribution.

  • Interest in good design and construction of rock gardens.

  • Meetings and exhibitions.

  • Plant exploration and introduction of new forms.

  • Study of history and literature on the subject.

  • Acquaintance between members and groups with the mutual exchange of experience and knowledge


Benefits of belonging to the Northwestern Chapter



Payment of the annual Northwestern Chapter fee of $15 to the Chapter Treasurer entitles members to voting privileges in The Chapter, receipt of The Chapter Newsletters and meeting announcements and to participation in all Chapter activities. Payment after April 1 buys membership through June of the next year (up to a year and three months).


photo by Saori Cretin

Benefits of belonging to the North American Rock Garden Society


  • Informative programs on rock gardening, alpine plants, and related subjects

  • Western Study Weekend

  • Quarterly Bulletin

  • Seed Exchange

  • Slide and Videotape Library

  • Library loan service in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society

  • Mail Order Bookstore


The Quarterly Bulletin of the North American Rock Garden Society is published every three months. Articles are contributed by members around the world on a wide range of subjects involving alpines and other wild flowers. Many articles are illustrated with photos or pen and ink drawings to aid in identification. Included are ads offering a variety of services as well as sources for rare and unusual plants.


Once a year there is a Seed Exchange in time for early spring planting. NARGS offers all members a selection of seeds donated by members around the world.  There is a Slide Library from which individuals and garden groups may borrow slide shows and videotapes dealing with many aspects of alpines, wild flowers and companion plants. There is a Library Loan Service by special arrangements with the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. Also the NARGS maintains a mail order bookstore that makes rock garden books and other pertinent materials available to its members.


To become a NARGS member, receive your first Quarterly Bulletin and annual seed exchange list you may apply for membership via the national web site.  Members are billed annually for dues during the quarter in which they joined.

photo by Saori Cretin

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Copyright © 2016-2025 The Northwestern Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society (NWNARGS). All rights reserved.

All graphics, pictures, and content are copyrighted and protected by US and international law. Use, reproduction, or modification in any manner without written permission is prohibited and will be prosecuted to the fullest  extent of the law. | Site created and maintained by Saori and Kevin Cretin

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