Kendall, Sharon, Dave, and I had a good time today representing the Northwestern Chapter at the Locks 100 year garden celebration. Thank goodness for the perfect, sunny weather which brought thousands of tourists.
We did have the most attractive table of all the plant societies there (in my opinion, at least). Steve had a large tufa rock with Sedums and tiny saxifrages growing on it. Dave brought a couple of plants, and Kendall brought planted troughs, containers and potted plants which attracted a lot of attention from people. Her styrofoam troughs generated lots of interest. Richard dropped off a flat of blooming Lewisias and Penstemons for display. Steve was really helpful driving our truckload of stuff from the parking lot to our display table and back again at 4 pm and setting up the display boards he had stored.
I don't know if we got any new members but a couple of old members stopped by and may come to future meetings. I do think we generated some interest in people we talked to.
Jane and John sat at our table for a while, they were also staffing the Hardy Fern Foundation table.
(Text by Mary Ellen and photos by Kendall)