The NWNARGS December chapter meeting will be Thursday, December 14, at the Center for Urban Horticulture in Seattle. The December meeting will continue our long-standing tradition of featuring short presentations of slides and photos from our membership. This is a great opportunity for members to show off their gardens or their treasured plants, or to wow everyone with photos of their recent expeditions. Presentations are planned to last five to ten minutes each. Please let an officer or board member know if you have any special technological requirements, for example an actual slide projector. :)

Lewisia triphylla, by NWNARGS member Carl English, 1954
This month is also traditionally Men's Night, meaning that the men will provide refreshments. There are already some folks signed up, but the more the merrier! If you would like to volunteer and haven't already signed up, please let our refreshment chair know.
Thanks much, and looking forward to seeing you on the 14th! Social time starts at 7.00 pm, presentations begin at 7.30 pm.