THURSDAY, October 11
Meeting at the Bellevue Botanical Garden

Our October talk is NWNARGS vice-president and proprietor of Fancy Fronds, a temperate fern nursery in Gold Bar, WA. She grows and propagates more than 100 species and cultivars in her commercial collection including temperate ferns, Victorian cultivars, desert ferns, alpine ferns and spike-moss. I have been to her nursery before and it was an amazing place to see not only ferns, but carefully selected choice companion plants and fun garden art.
The daughter of a surgeon and a desert flora botanist, Judith Jones has always had a knack with plants. Her obsession with Victorian literature and furniture eventually led her to discover the wide world of Victorian fern cultivation and taxonomy, an affliction from which she has never quite recovered. Since the 1980s, Judith has named and introduced several new cultivars of ferns, and is a leading expert on the identification of temperate fern species.

I am very excited to hear her talk because despite a couple of tries to grow ferns from spore in the past, I have had no success. I hope to be able to remedy that soon!
The talk begins at 7:30 pm, right after our members-only fall plant sale!
Hope to see you there!