THURSDAY, October 10
Meeting at the Bellevue Botanical Garden
It seems like we are now back to typical Seattle weather! The last several summers were too hot and with lots of wildfires surrounding the area the air was so bad that I couldn't go outside. Even though slugs and snails are loving this cool dump weather, I still prefer it this way!
Our October speaker is Bryon Jones who is an expert in zoological horticulture and his title for our talk is "Connecting Animals, Plants, and People." It should be very interesting! Here is a brief description of his talk.
If you thought bunnies, deer, and squirrels were a challenge in your garden, imagine how gardening with primates, wolves, and other animals takes it to a whole new level. Bryon Jones, horticulturist at Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium, will lead you on a visual discovery of the multifaceted world of zoological horticulture.
This meeting will also feature the fall members only plant sale!
As is traditional, at the beginning of the sale (7pm) you will be allowed to buy that one special plant for twice the asking price, followed by a second plant at the asking price, after which it is wide open. The sale will continue after the speaker and business portions of the meeting.
Bring your plants to sell already priced and labeled, reasonably clean, and ideally with your name so that people can ask about culture. Bring your plants early so they can be set up in time. Bringing a box or flat to haul your purchases home is also a good idea. If you have questions, please contact us!
The more plants you bring and the more plants you buy the better will be the club’s financial health!
See you at the meeting!