Thursday, August 11 2022, 2022
Meeting at the Bellevue Botanical Garden
Our August chapter meeting is this coming Thursday, August 11, at the Bellevue Botanical Garden. This month's talk will feature chapter member Maggie Soderstrom and 'True Confessions of a Seedaholic'. Here is a little more about Maggie, from this month's newsletter.
'Maggie Soderstrom will present on her lifelong obsession on growing things from seed and collecting more seed than she has room or time to sow. Included will be seed sowing tips, tricks and resources that you need to get started growing things from seed.
Maggie works in the technology industry, and when she is not busy working, or attending to mom duties for her two teenager daughters, you can find her out in the garden or taking up the entire dinner table with seed sowing projects.'
I am told there will be door prizes!!
Join us at the Bellevue Botanical Garden at 7:00 pm for social time, 7:30 pm for the meeting and program. Our meetings are free and open to the public.
See you all soon!