July talk: Developing a New Garden in Port Ludlow by Linda Cochran
THURSDAY, July 11, 2019 Meeting at the Bellevue Botanical Garden photos by Linda Cochran Our July talk is chapter member Linda Cochran,...
July talk: Developing a New Garden in Port Ludlow by Linda Cochran
June talk: "Hostas" from Thomas Johnson and Kirk Hansen
May talk: 'Developing a Sunny New Garden on Seven Acres on an Island Surrounded by a Creek'
April talk: "Compilation and Description of the Best Alpines of My Life" by Ger van den B
March talk: BC Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island Natives from Rainy Sea Level to Above Treeline an
January Meeting - Members' Photos!
November Meeting and Annual Members' Potluck with Steve Hootman
October talk: Fern Propagation - Fern Life Cycle, Collecting and Sowing Spores by Judith Jones + Mem
Styrotroff (StyrofoamTrough) Making Workshop by Dale Greer
June talk: Arisaema by Sam Decker